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Sarah Sarjuprasad
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I offer both Picture Book presentations and Creative Writing workshops. My 5 picture books are centered on themes such as rejection/belonging, kindness/friendship, trying new things, etc. These stories are delightful for young ones, catering to their imagination, and are not preachy! My Picture Book Presentation consists of pre-reading Q&A, picture book reading, digital presentation of writing-illustrating-publishing process, and post-presentation Q&A. This is suitable for one time sessions for grades K-2. My Creative Writing workshops consists of helping young writers to create their individual story outlines which they then use to begin writing their story drafts. I read their drafts and give them personalized feedback for them to use in their new drafts. These workshops are suitable for multiple sessions and for grades 3-5. For references, see my website. My credentials include having a Creative Writing degree from Columbia University and I was also a former ELA/ENL Teaching Fellow.

Contact Info
Name: Sarah Sarjuprasad

Phone: (347) 433-8222

  • Long Island
  • New York City
  • Formats
  • Classroom Presentation (Small Groups)
  • Grade Levels
  • K-2
  • 3-5
  • Categories
  • Author
  • Character Education
  • ELA
  • Social Emotional Learning