James Bruchac was raised in the Adirondack foothills town of Greenfield Center, New York. A citizen of the Nulhegan Abenaki Tribe, and eldest son of acclaimed author and storyteller Dr. Joseph Bruchac III, James grew up immersed in the natural world, storytelling, and native culture. James has both authored and co-authored books for all ages. Children’s books include How Chipmunk Got His Stripes (Dial), Turtle’s Race with Beaver, Rabbit’s Snow Dance (Dial) When the Chenoo Howls (Walker), Be Good, a True Cautionary Tale (Bowman Books), and Native American Games and Stories (Fulcrum) and The Stories He Tells, The Story of Joseph Bruchac. General public titles include Scats and Tracks of the Northeast, Scats, and Tracks of the Southeast, Scats, and Tracks of the Mid-Atlantic (Falcon), and The Girl Who Helped Thunder, an anthology of Native American tales (Sterling). James is a member and former president of the Wordcraft Circle of Native Writers and Storytellers. Upcoming releases include Kids in the Woods (Bowman Books), Trails and Tales of The Grizzly, and Trails and Tales of The Wolf (fulcrum) Building on his family’s tradition, for over thirty years, James has shared stories at hundreds of schools and libraries across the country. Whether telling an interactive animal story or a monster tale, he keeps listeners of all ages on the edge of their seats as well as part of the action. James has performed at many festivals, museums including the Smithsonian Discovery Theater (Washington DC), the Corn Island Storytelling Festival (KY), Noble Tales Festival and the Connor Prairie Museum (IN), Indian Summer and Riverbend Festivals (WI), The Boston Children’s Museum and the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum (MA), the Hudson River Clearwater Festival, the Noteworthy Indian Museum, and The Old Songs Festival. James and other members of his family were featured on the PBS special Adirondack Storytellers (WMHT/PBS). James studied exercise science and English at Ithaca College and has a degree in American Studies from Skidmore College. Active in both high school and college athletics, Mr. Bruchac was a member of the 1988 Ithaca College National Championship football team and went on to be an Empire League Semi-pro All-star defensive end in 1991. He has studied martial arts since the age of ten, currently holding the rank of Shihan (5th-degree black belt) in Kyokushin Karate as well as being a third degree black belt in Brazilian Jui-Jitsu. Father Joseph and brother Jesse also hold black belts in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. All three working together to run Alliance Saratoga Jiu-Jitsu, and The Saratoga Academy of Elite Martial Arts.