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This directory of artists, presenters and vendors is for contact information only. Please note that all approvals are determined by individual BOCES and/or District criteria and do not guarantee acceptance of proposed contracts.
Jeff the Magic Man
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The following two school programs have been designed to follow the current NYS learning standards for performing arts. Each themed assembly also follows their respective NYS learning standard(s). "Anything is Possible!" : a magical character development assembly Focus: good mental health practices, positive self image, emotional regulation Everyone has their own unique talent! It takes a special journey to each person to find what's special about them. Jeff will share his magic and the journey that he took to find his passion. Children will learn techniques that they can use to start their journey and find their own passion. We also take a look at the feelings that come with self discovery and healthy ways to manage them. "The BIG balloon STEAM show!" : a circus variety style STEAM assembly Focus: Critical Thinking, Scientific Method & Vocabulary, Deductive Reasoning Come and explore the science behind balloons! This show combines circus style stunts with educational content that follows the NYS science learning standards. We'll explore how balloons are made along with their scientific properties. We'll also test the scientific method in a LIVE balloon experiment! For the grand finale, students will learn about elastic potential energy as Jeff climbs inside of a giant 10 foot balloon!
Sweethearts and Heroes
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Sweethearts & Heroes is a social and emotional wellness organization dedicated to building sustainable networks of support, promoting empathy activation, and empowering students to become positive influencers within their communities. Our mission is to nurture Human Skills like empathy and compassion and develop positive leadership in young people. Through structured, spaced-repetition practices designed for age-mixed learning, we leverage the power of H.O.P.E. (Hold On, Possibilities Exist) and inspire students to Jump into Action to help others and establish healthy social norms. By leveraging your school influencers and Champion Teachers, Sweethearts & Heroes provides students with the tools, strategies, and skills to foster resilience and contribute to sustainable, compassionate school cultures. Our partnership approach involves scheduling our team for services based on your school, district, or organization’s desired pace and needs. This can be done with all our services and offers an independent approach to implementing the practices, tools, and messaging we bring to your community. Assemblies Our foundational assemblies introduce the world of Sweethearts & Heroes. In these assemblies, tailored to each grade level band (K-2, 3-5/6, 6/7-12), we’ll discuss the problem in the world today (this epidemic of hopelessness), how these Sweethearts give H.O.P.E. (Hold On, Possibilities Exist), and how Heroes Jump into Action to help others. Student-Teacher Empathy Program (S.T.E.P.) From day one, the Sweethearts & Heroes message has empowered our youth to be the change the world needs. S.T.E.P. is about taking our foundational K-2 and 3-5 grade messages and training high school students to deliver them in a small group classroom format. This propagates the message of Sweethearts & Heroes for your younger students while starting to build relationships across ages, setting up the crux of our youth leadership programs and age-mixed learning. B.R.A.V.E. 6-Week Youth Leadership Program B.R.A.V.E. stands for 16th-Century Bullies ‘R’ Action-Based, Vulnerable, and Empathetic. This is our student leadership system focused on 1) student empowerment, 2) empathy activation, and 3) Human Skills (SEL Core Competencies). It is uniquely designed to take young student leaders who can impact their school and build a culture and community of H.O.P.E. and Action through peer modeling, mentorship, and influence. We’ll introduce a group of up to 20 student leaders to Circle work and Bully Drill fundamentals. These students will implement vital age-mixed play-based learning by traveling to individual elementary classrooms to work with younger students Hero Huddles and Bully Drills. Circle Training | 1-Day, 2-Days Our Circle Training is designed for educators, administrators, students, and school teams. A single Sweethearts & Heroes Circle Trainer can work with up to 20 individuals at once in a training. Circle Training can be a single day, however, it is best completed over 2 days. Weavers of the Future Circle Training | 2-Days The Weavers of the Future Program trains older students to facilitate Circles, fostering healthy social norms and driving lasting, positive change in school culture. These student leaders will lead discussions that cultivate empathy, strengthen essential Human Skills (SEL), encourage perspective-taking, and build supportive peer networks. Master Weaver Circle Training | 3-Days Our train-the-trainer Master Weaver Circle Training is essential to creating a sustainable Circle culture and offering in-house training to future staff and students. This 3-day intensive training is designed to prepare an elite Circle team in your school who will be able to train new Circle facilitators. During this training, we’ll teach you how to tailor and deliver our foundational Circle Training, utilizing your personal stories of Circle and how it has impacted your life. The B.R.A.V.E. System Class Suite B.R.A.V.E. 101 | B.R.A.V.E. 102 | B.R.A.V.E. 103 | B.R.A.V.E. JRs The B.R.A.V.E. System Class Suite includes four classes to create systemic change that reaches all grade levels and implements our Circle work and age-mixed Bully Drill practices throughout your district. These experiential curricula embed our methodologies into your school culture through yearly B.R.A.V.E. lessons on leadership, social-emotional growth, and compassion. Community Ambassador Program Our community ambassador approach involves placing one of our team members in your school to work alongside your team as a long-term partner for school improvement and turning your school into a Circle culture. We provide individualized support weekly or bi- weekly throughout the school year to establish Circle as a consistent practice in your community and implement several of our programs based on your community’s needs.
Maria Wen Adcock
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It's Chinese New Year, Curious George - IN PERSON Author Visit (Book Reading & Chinese Culture Presentation): This IN-PERSON program provides children the opportunity to learn about multiculturalism and diversity through an engaging and interactive author visit. Maria Wen Adcock, author of IT'S CHINESE NEW YEAR, CURIOUS GEORGE, will teach students about Chinese culture through the traditions mentioned in the book that features everyone's favorite monkey, Curious George! She provides in-depth, kid-friendly information about the symbolism behind each tradition, cultivating an uplifting, high-energy, and celebratory event that kids will remember. The author will provide free digital printables (coloring sheets and worksheets related to the book) that teachers can use with their students in their class after the presentation. The author's A/V requirements are a laptop connected to a Smartboard or screen and a microphone. Stay curious!
Brandon Lee White
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Author, speaker, and youth mover, Brandon Lee White has motivated roughly half a million youth in 48 states over the past 15 years. He helps students take ownership of living a better life from the inside out. He teaches character education, leadership, mental health, anti-bullying, and more. Born unable to speak, Brandon shares his journey from outcast to school president, and in some speeches, he shares his story about his 6-year battle with depression and being an “unmotivated motivational speaker.” Brandon has been seen on TLC, Discovery Health, Fit TV, and TEDx. 1. Super Students (45 min speech)(Grades K-2, 3-5) Everyone loves superheroes, but students don’t know how to apply that to their lives. Super Students teaches students that you don’t need super powers to be a Super Student, just super choices. Brandon teaches how to be courageous and have character regarding bullying, leadership, mental health and making positive/healthy choices. Lots of interaction, humor, and impact! Your entire school and even the teachers will love this presentation! 2. Own It! (45 min speech)(Grades 3-12) Ownership starts with having a clear vision of who you are, what you want, and how hard you’re willing to work. Brandon shares his struggles including mental health and bullying, and then points to the leaders and decisions that turned it all around. Expect lots of funny crowd interaction, thought-provoking examples, moving stories, and a powerful spoken word presentation. Students leave with a new sense of ownership in life and leadership and the motivation to make it happen. 3. Know Your Line (45 min speech)(Grades 4-12) Substance abuse can destroy potential. Goals, dreams, and lives can be ruined through addiction, accidents, and destructive choices. Brandon presents this topic with a balance of fun and seriousness while helping them know their line in which they won’t cross 4. Let It Move (45-60 min interactive workshop)(Grades 4-12) Participants learn leadership through ballroom dance. Positive communication, risk-taking, teamwork, goal-setting, and discipline are all covered in a way that will stick in your memory. It’s a fun and educational way to “break the ice” and get youth moving. This workshop can include total crowd participation or select volunteers depending upon request and space availability. (Maximum occupancy contingent upon space and sound equipment)
Math Magical
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Do you want your students excited about math? Do you want them thinking math is awesome…even cool? Magician Brian Richards has a math school assembly program to get your elementary students pumped up about mathematics. Math Magical is a high energy elementary math show, that touches upon addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, probability, and more. Plus, it’s customized according to grade levels and student development! Using magic, comedy, and other tools of the trade, Brian will help your kids discover that not only is math fun, but they need to Study Math to Be on A Better Path. Brian Richards will also teach your students a cool magic trick that will sharpen their math skills. They will be able to take this trick home and wow their friends and families. Bring Math Magical assembly show to your school and get your students excited about Math!
Jeff Reynolds
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This is a high energy music filled program consisting of Line Dance Instruction and a Western Trick Roping Demonstration followed by an interactive trick roping lesson. Jeff is one of the best when it comes to teaching fun easy line dances with many years experience. He has also performed his trick roping show for years as well. If you are looking for a unique and fun program, try this out! The program can be modified for all ages and works for any size group. As a retired public school teacher, Jeff has a good handle on working with kids of all grade levels. The program can be a full day or a half day tailored to your school schedule. Check out the link to the YouTube video to see just how much fun the program is. Feel free to contact Jeff Reynolds for more information and pricing options. This program is sure to be engaging and fun every time!!
Daniel J Mahoney
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I am a children’s book author and illustrator who loves to visit and interact with my readers! I talk about the book making process with a slides presentation of the making of my latest picture book, and hold a story brainstorming session where the students are the authors and I am the illustrator and we create a story together. You can read more about my school/library visits on my website. There’s also testimonials from teachers I’ve worked with!
Sharmilla Fassbender
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As a read aloud advocate, I believe in the power of stories to nurture empathy, self-confidence, and imagination in young readers. My award winning books focus on social-emotional themes that support early childhood development, creating meaningful narratives that resonate with children, educators, and parents alike. *Fantastically Me!* (ages 0-8) touches on themes of self-belief and growth mindset. Whereas *Making Friends Together * (ages 0-5) is a board book that addresses kindness and friendship. In my author visits, I bring these stories to life for students up to 2nd grade through engaging, interactive read-aloud sessions, inviting children to explore their own feelings and ideas in a fun, safe environment. For older elementary students, I offer hands-on writing workshops that guide them in crafting their own stories, encouraging self-expression, creativity, and a love for writing. These sessions are designed to inspire confidence in young writers, from filling in imaginative story blanks to creating characters and worlds that spark their curiosity. With each visit, my goal is to leave students not only with a memorable experience but also with the tools and encouragement to tell their own stories.
Bianca DiLella
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I offer drawing and painting instruction using Watercolor and Acrylics. I work with diverse populations in the community.
Misty Yarnall
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Misty Yarnall is a writer and teaching artist. She actively teaches creative writing and theatre workshops through libraries, homeschool co-ops, and nonprofit organizations. She is passionate about creating brave spaces for people of all ages to share their stories. A few examples of workshops she has led in the past are included below. World Building 101: Do you love reading adventure books with fantastical settings and magical elements? Have you ever wanted to write a story set in a place you’ve never been? In this workshop, students will master the layout of the land within their stories, no matter what genre. Students will take inspiration from real plants, animals, and cultures, and apply what they've learned to their made-up worlds. Writing for the Screen: Have you ever wondered how your favorite TV show got to the screen? Want to try your hand at writing a script made for TV? In this workshop, you will learn to write your own screenplay and collaborate on a pilot episode for a TV series. We will generate ideas, learn to use the three-act structure, and operate as if we were in our own TV writers' room. Playing with Plays: Through movement-based improv games and collaborative writing prompts, students will better understand how plays go from the page to the stage. We will learn about character motivations, use of props, scene structure, and understanding of performance. Students will end the workshop with a new play to showcase. Guided Journaling: Have you always wanted to start journaling, but aren’t sure where to start? Have you been journaling for a while and want a community to write and share with? In this workshop, participants will complete writing prompts geared towards eliminating the daunting, listy idea of journaling and replace it with interactive, fun activities for all ages and backgrounds. No prior journaling or writing experience necessary!
Francine Dingeman
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The Animal Menagerie, written by Francine Dingeman and illustrated by Marta Maszkiewicz, is an enchanting A to Z picture book filled with captivating characters from the animal kingdom for children ages 4-8. This book is written to entertain and educate by introducing dozens of creative new words into a child's vocabulary. Children are invited to embark on a wild and whimsical journey through The Animal Menagerie! Each letter of the alphabet comes to life with vibrant illustrations and story vignettes, making early literacy development a delightful adventure. The visual imagery, engaging rhymes, and clever context comprehension of The Animal Menagerie will spark a child's curiosity and imagination as they learn new vocabulary words and animal names in a fun and unforgettable way. Twenty to thirty minute visits to grades pre-k and k include readings from select pages of the A to Z picture book and a short discussion surrounding each animal character. First to third grade presentations include a full reading of the book followed by a personal account of the writing/publishing journey with a focus on inspiring young writers and encouraging them along their individual writing paths. The opportunity to project the pages of the book as it is read, so children can view the illustrations along with the reading, allows for an optimally engaging presentation, sparking a child's interest and curiosity as each new animal character story is shared.
French and Indian War Presentation
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The presentation provides students with a history of the French and Indian War in New York state. It focuses on Rogers rangers', uniforms, weapons demonstration by firing cannon, swivel gun, pistol, rifle and musket. All with blanks. Various uniforms with student participation, historical items, other weapons and speaking through history. The presenter is a reenactor with twenty years of experience in the field. He is also a retired educator from Central Square School District for 35 years.